You Don't Have To Suffer Alone

Support For Anxiety & Trauma

Full Services Available Through Covid19 Book A Session

A promise
to be a safe place.

For you to explore yourself and your feelings. You can trust us to be understanding and free of any judgment. We are here for you.

A promise
to make therapy relatable.

We don't use technical words and phrases and will make sure that what we do together can be applied in your real-everyday-life.


A promise
to see each client as a unique human individual.

You are more than your story. You are more than you diagnoses. You are more than your pain. We respect this and everything else that you come with and we look to understand you as you are in the moment we find each other.

A promise
not to tell you how to live your life.

Instead, We are here to become curious about how you live your life and wonder what that feels like.

A promise
to challenge you in a safe and compassionate way.

We help our clients understand and experience the boundary of their limits - so they can discover choice.

A promise
to honour your inner-wisdom.

We follow where you lead us and we trust your experiences. You're the best expert on you.





Client Focus



Body-mind connection

We're experienced with...

Age: 22 - 55



Gen X’ers

Gen Y

LGBTQ+ community

Immigrants, 2nd generation, children of Immigrants